What did I learn from this class this year and what did I enjoy the most?

            I learned many interesting things this year, and I am very happy that I took the 5th Grade English class through RPC (Ron Paul Curriculum). In my last essay of the year, I am going to tell you what I learned and what I liked most. I am also going to tell you what I felt was a little more challenging for me to learn.

             In this class, I learned about the eight parts of speech, verb tenses, confusing words, primary punctuation, etc. I learned much, much more than just these very interesting and helpful things that are used in reading and writing the English language. A new subject I learned in this class was the different sentence patterns and how to classify them. Learning this was very fun and interesting to me. I think it is enjoyable figuring out the sentence patterns, because I had no idea each type of sentence has its own specific rule. On the other hand, I had a difficult time understanding the different types of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs that I learned about in the beginning of the year. Of course, it was only the beginning of the class, so I probably just did not understand all the different parts of speech that I do now.
             In conclusion, these are some of the concepts I learned, and which ones I liked and which ones I disliked. I am upset that this course is over, but I know that I will be taking the 6th Grade English course, and I am looking forward to learning even more.