What Tool Would I Make with a Strange Item and How Would I Use it?

           I have been reading The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss. For my essay assignment, I must answer the following: What tool would I make with a strange item and how would I use it? For my “strange item” I chose a wooden chess set that I could have found on an old ship that crashed or somewhere else.

           I will start by telling you what I would do with the chess pieces. For the pawns, I would hollow them out and make tiny holes on the top to make salt and pepper shakers. I would do this if I found salt and pepper.

          The rooks would be used to make stamps. I would write letters for help and give them to pigeons to fly and land on local ships and other land to tell people to come and help me. I would use the stamps so that they would know that it was me and not some dangerous tribe or pirates. Using the bishops, I would stick a long piece of graphite through them to make mini pencils to write the letters.

           To use the rest of the pieces: the knights, queens, and kings, I would make weapons out of them. I would sharpen rocks to make little knives and stick them onto the bottom of the pieces with clay and let it dry. I would use these knives for throwing to hunt after I learn how to throw them.

           As for the chess board, I would use the lid to make a window that I can open and close. Using the bottom of the chess board I could use a rope to tie around it and throw the rope over a bar on a higher floor and have the rest of the rope coming down. After I do this, I could put stuff on the bottom part of the chess board and pull it up with the rope instead of bringing it upstairs myself.

            I know a chess set is a strange decision, but it was difficult to choose what I should write about, so I closed my eyes and opened them. I wrote about the first thing I saw, which was a chess set. This was a very exciting essay assignment, and I enjoyed writing it.