Three Smartest Greeks

               Many of the most intelligent and influential philosophers, scientists, astronomers, and mathematicians came from ancient Greece. In this essay, I am going to tell you about three of them. Their names are Anaxagoras, Hypatia, and Archimedes, starting.

               Anaxagoras was an ancient Greek astronomer who was fascinated in the moon. He made many discoveries about the moon. One of them was the reason for solar and lunar eclipses. He also found that the moon is closest to the earth and its light reflects from the sun. As you can see, Anaxagoras made many true discoveries about the moon.

              Next is Hypatia. Hypatia was the only famous female mathematician. Her father was a teacher, and he taught her all he knew about math. He had her on a diet and “workout” so that when she became an adult, she would be a smart, strong, successful, and healthy mathematician, which she was. She later became a teacher like her father, and she wrote many books on math. Sadly, she fell out of favor with the bishop, and he had the library burnt and Hypatia murdered.

              Finally, there is the most famous Greek scientist and mathematician of all time: Archimedes. Archimedes invented exponents, the water screw, and he got the closest to finding the number: pie. He discovered volume and made many other discoveries such as how many grains of sand could fit in the entire universe! (Which would be 10 to the 63rd power, according to his theory).

            Of course, there have been many other Greek astronomers, mathematicians, scientists and philosophers throughout history, but I find these three most interesting. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about these three important people, and I encourage you to do more research and find out more!