Numa Pompilius and Servius Tullus
This week in history, I have learned about the seven first kings of Rome, but these are the two kings I like most and find most fascinating. Their names are Numa Pompilius and Servius Tullus. This is an essay of their lives and what kind of rulers they were, starting with Numa Pompilius.
After King Romulus died, the Senate wasn’t sure who should be the next king of Rome, for Romulus did not have a child. Then there was an interregnum, which is when the Senate would rule over the people for a time before it was decided who would be king. After this, they chose Numa Pompilius, who was a wise young man, to be next.
Unlike any other king, Numa was very peaceful. He is best known for building the Temple of Janus. Janus was a two-faced Roman god who stood for boundaries. This temple was known for its doors. When the doors were open, it symbolizes that there was war, and the people had to ask for peace. When there was peace, the doors would be closed. Numa reigned for 43 years and died in 673 BC.
Servius Tullus was not the next king of Rome after Numa Pompilius. Instead, he was the adopted son of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, an Etruscan, who was king before him.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus was murdered by the sons of Ancus Martius, the grandson of Numa Pompilius. They felt that they should be king instead of an Etruscan, for Ancus Martius was the king of Rome before Lucius Priscus.
After Lucius Tarquinius Priscus was killed, his wife said that he was only wounded, and their adopted son, Servius Tullus would rule for now. By the time the people had found out that their king, Lucius Priscus, was actually dead, they had already gained trust in Servius Tullus, so they made him their king. This was unique because Servius was the first Roman king that was not chosen by the Senate.
Servius Tullus was a very great and wise king. According to Livy, he was the best king in Roman history! However, like I said, he was not their real child. He was probably a slave before he was adopted, but he grew up acting like and learning how to be a king.
Unfortunately, he was killed by his brother, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the true air to the throne. Lucius Superbus was probably jealous of his brother (who happened to be an adopted slave) for becoming king instead of him. He became the next king but was removed from his place because he was an Etruscan like his father.
Forgive me, for instead of writing about just two kings, I did six! Despite the accident, I hope you now (if you didn’t before) enjoy learning more about the kings of Rome. After Lucius Superbus, the monarchy ended, and the Roman Republic began. History is very important to know, and I hope you want to learn more about it.